Hotel Info
We suggest staying in the Union Square area due to its close proximity to many of the sights listed above and to the main shopping area. Additionally, the wedding is easily reached by BART or a 10 minute cab ride from this location.
We have reserved a room block at the Marriot Hotel in Union Square for $179 a night. To reserve, please call 1-800-228-9290 and ask for the special rate for Paul Willard.
There are a lot of other hotels in the area such as the Westin St. Francis, W Hotel, Sir Francis Drake, Hotel Nikko, and Triton Hotel to just name a few. In looking for a hotel around this area, please avoid the areas around Market & 6th and Eddy St.There are fewer options for those who want to stay closer to the actual wedding venue. The beautiful Mission Dolores area, which is adjacent to The Mission, but closer to Dolores Park and the Castro, has a very nice B&B that is close to public transportation and is walking distance to Foreign Cinema called The Parker Guest House. Another good option to try is Elements Hotel that offers private rooms; however it also houses a very popular club on Friday and Saturday nights so loud music will pump through the hostel until 2am. Some people stayed here and liked it just fine though.